UK Study Visa Consultants Lahore Your Complete Guide On How to Apply?

Studying abroad offers a great opportunity for students. They reduce their capabilities, increase talent, increase exposure and set their new career path. NC Solicitors UK Study visa consultants Lahore have compiled a step-by-step guide that you should follow.

If you have any further questions, please let us know in the comments below and we will help you as much as possible.

Read overseas
Between 2015 and 2016, about 10,000 Pakistani students studied in the UK. You must be admitted to a dedicated institution before applying for a visa. The most esteemed people in the UK are:

University of Essex
University of Plymouth (International College)
Birmingham City University
S.T MARY’S University
Middle-sex University London

The next step is to find out what kind of visa you need.

There are 4 main types of visas:

Temporary Student Visas (6 months): Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.

Temporary Student Visa (6 months): Applies to students who wish to study in the UK for 6 months but are 17 years of age or less.

Grade 4 for Children: Refers to 4-17 year olds looking for long courses at paid institutions.

University visas: Applied to students aged 16 and over who are seeking a college or university degree.

Step 1: Once you have paid a small percentage of the cost of the course, wait to register and confirm your CAS registration.

Step 2: Decide on the type of visa you need.

Step 3: Check for tuberculosis if you plan to visit for more than six months.

Step 4: Sign up for the Visa Application Center in the UK and register online.

Step 5: Book a meeting at the Visa Application Center in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore or Mirpur.

Details here

Step 6: Pay the visa fee. You can pay online or visit the Application Center. The ratio is as follows:

Details of the entire joining process:

Step 7: Prepare for an interview

Step 8: On the day of your meeting, submit all necessary documents (proof of entry, visa entry fee, passport copy, CNIC copy, passport photo and bank statement). Details here

The application team will approve and submit it to the law enforcement commissioner for the decision.

Step 9: Perform a biometric test

Step 10: Once you have decided, you can collect all your documents in the Application Center.

When your visa goes through the next step, it is very much intended to fly to the UK. To find the best flight price, search our travel portal for the best price. During your stay you should consult a hostel or motel and compare prices with each other. There are usually discounts on early flights that you can take advantage of.


  1. Very good article, Shared the complete guidelines about how to apply visa for travelling to other countries, this will be helpful to the people who are all travelling to other countries. Thank you so much for sharing. For more details: Genuine Immigration Consultants For Canada In Chennai


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